Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Place of Refuge Book Club
Hope you enjoyed reading Place of Refuge. This is the place to share your thoughts and ask some questions. The comments section below is all yours.
It is six centuries before Jesus of Nazareth will be born, and Jerusalem is in turmoil. As the conflict with Babylon escalates, the ruling classes of Judah threaten any who dare oppose their tenuous power. The Holy City is destined for destruction.
But amid the mayhem, two prophets of God come forth—Lehi and Ezekiel. However, both are in danger of losing their lives. Zadock, Chief Elder of the Jews, and Laban, Captain of the Guard, desperately seek to eliminate all voices of opposition as they attempt to seize broader power.
Lehi and his family have narrowly escaped from the corrupt city into the Judean wilderness, where the patriarch must contend not only with enemies pursuing them through an unforgiving land, but also his two defiant sons. Meanwhile, Ezekiel has been imprisoned on false charges of inciting a tax revolt. He knows he must escape if the prophecies he has received are to be fulfilled.
An epic tale of loyalty and betrayal, strength and faith, volume three of the richly written sage sweeps the reader back through time, and vividly brings to life the trials and triumphs of important scripture figures as they venture toward a Promised Land. Place of Refuge Promised Land Vol. 3
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Place of Refuge is one exciting page-turner of a book. All the political background of the first two volumes combines to give fuller meaning to Lehi's fleeing Jerusalem and the ensuing 'chase' makes for very good reading.
There are also some great new characters introduced -- I particularly liked Tobit, the Babylonian inspector. He is a character with such integrity and I loved that he wasn't swayed by Zadock and Laban's lies.
I did find myself wishing I didn't have to switch gears so often as a reader, as we followed each of the many characters through their distinct (but yet linked) parts of the storyline. I was impatient to see where certain character's storylines were going and I found myself wishing the other storylines would stop interrupting. I whined to Dave about this at one point during my reading, and he told me to look at it as a symphony: one big song with a major theme and little variations -- that new perspective helped a lot.
I actually really enjoyed the character development in this book. We see Nephi developing into a faithful man who will one day be a prophet. Laman shows his true colors all along the way, setting up his rebellious nature that we are so aware of from the Book of Mormon. There's also Daniel's continuing journey to becoming Laban's right hand man.
I was distressed by the fact that Jonathan and Ruth believe that Aaron is dead. Then again I was also distressed that Aaron believed Rebekah was dead in "Pillar of Fire" so you'd think I'd be used to this by now.
Ultimately though I thought this was another brilliant book in this series. I think each book has been better than the one before. I can't wait to read more.
Other thoughts, anyone?
Tobit. He's a great one. And guess what? He reappears in future volumes. You would expect that if the Babylonians are going to sack Jersualem, wouldn't you? That is going to be some serious historical excitement. Look for him in Volume Five as a precursor to his major role in volume six.
One of my favorite plot lines in this book was having Inspector Tobit slowly but surely come to the realization that Lehi wasn't a criminal, traitor or potential rougue nation/builder, but rather a prophet of God. Its always powerful to have a non-believer bear his testimony, wouldn't you agree?
You mention that you enjoyed watching Nephi mature into a faithful adult. How does that compare to his development in Day of Remembrance where he recieves some of his first revelatory experiences?
Distress no more over Aaron. Its Ishmael who is going to need your real concern. Volume Five is his book!
David G. Woolley
When is the new Compas of God going to be out? I'm waiting on pins and needles....
Is there a volume 6 yet. I am on pins and needles just hanging at the end of 5
It's been almost two years since Rex Johnson's question. I have been left hanging on Volume 5 What is "the rest of the story"?
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